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Chasing the Shadows: Nikki and Michael Book 3 - Keri Arthur Review to come.
Bound by Night - Larissa Ione Nicole Martin is a scientist that comes back to her hometown to claim control of her family's company. After so many years of hiding and trying to escape from the face that her family was killed in front of her, she has to face the music. Nicole's character seems a little bit too naive for my taste. I kind of pushed that aside since her character came from a mega wealthy family and she was probably coddled growing up due to the vampire rebellion that killed her family at such a young age.

The vampires in this series are quite different from the norm in this genre. Vampires are second class citizens, only there to fulfill human's needs. While most are basically slaves to the human race, not all are docile. There are vampire clans that rebel, and this is where we meet Riker. He is part of the MoonBound Clan and it definitely was not love at first sight when he met Nicole. His mate was Nicole's childhood nanny, who was killed. This left Riker an angry vampire and not very fond of humans. The basic plot of Bound by Night is something I feel like I've read before, but there are a few twists that make the book unique. The world building on the other hand is fantastic and exactly what I would expect from Larissa Ione. If you're a fan of her other series I would highly suggest Bound by Night.
Hearts in Darkness - Keri Arthur Private Investigator, Nikki James returns in book two of the Nikki & Michael series, she is back to her normal job of solving crimes. Her current investigation is to find a missing person (child) which leads her to a resort in Jackson Hole. On an unlikely stroke of luck, Michael is told to team up with Nikki because their paths will cross while he's investigating rich men going missing at the resort. After the events that happened in book one, I was worried they would just automatically be okay/make up and everything would go back to normal. I should have known better, KArthur had them overcoming their awkwardness with one another and also finding a way to manage their feelings all while solving the case(s).

I'll be honest, I was worried this book wouldn't be what I'm used to getting out of a Keri Arthur book. Book one in this series wasn't what I expected, though I did enjoy it. Luckily, Hearts in Darkness has a lot more of the KArthur vibe that I remember from the Riley Jenson series. While it's still lacking on the smutty goodness, I have to admit this book kept me interested. I wasn't sure who the bad guy(s) would be, but one thing I'm glad is the same is the paranormal aspect.

Just in case you missed my review of book one here's the heads up again: this series is a re-release, so if you've read this before, don't get confused. While you don't necessary have to read this in order so far, I would highly suggest it so you know their past together. If you're a KArthur fan or even just someone that enjoys Urban Fantasy with a slight romance twist I suggest this series.
The Reluctant Amazon - Sandy James Rebecca Massee was ditched at the alter by her momma's boy of a fiancee. Her anger triggers an earthquake and a sexy Scottish man comes to her rescue. They fight some foul looking and smelling creatures named Revenants that are basically zombies. Rebecca initially didn't want to believe him that she is an Amazon, but after seeing the monsters and a display from a Fire Amazon she has no choice.

Artair MacKay, a sexy Scottish warrior finds the new Amazons (Earth, Fire, Air, and Water) and trains them to ensure they will be the best fighters and know how to control their powers. Mister tough guy is always hard on his Amazons to ensure they learn everything they need to, but with Rebecca he is different. Though still tough, he has the urge to hold her when she is upset and things to that effect.

Rebecca and the Fire Amazon, Megan, begin their training by running several miles daily and also learning to fight both hand to hand and with weapons. She is very slow on learning to fight and I was slightly worried she wouldn't make the cut. After training for awhile the team goes in search for the two missing Amazons of the previous generation, and a lot of fighting ensues.

The Reluctant Amazon is a breath of fresh air that kept me on my toes. I haven't read anything like this before, but enjoyed it immensely. I highly recommend this book, and will be starting book two very soon!
Wicked Beat (Sinners on Tour, #4) - Olivia Cunning Rebekah, Sinner's temporary FOH(front of house)/soundboard extraordinaire is filling in for her brother who was injured during a bus crash. Her first day on the bus and her main objective besides doing a great job is getting with her crush, Trey Mills. With Rebekah still dealing with lingering self doubt from previous relationship issues, she isn't looking for a relationship, she's trying to heal her sense of self.

Eric Sticks is the drummer for the band Sinners. At first sight, Eric is so enamored by Rebekah that he is tongue tied. Being one of the most passive members of the band, I was slightly worried while reading that Eric wouldn't be able to get the girl. Eric has always been a band member that I've wanted to know more about, and I was really excited to get to know him better.

I felt that Wicked Beat gave a lot more back story to the main characters compared to the other books in the series. I got to know about Eric's childhood, and Rebekah's health/emotional issues, basically the things that makes them who they are. Though I didn't find most of that out until after the halfway point, it was there, so I was happy. As you can tell by the cover of the book this is erotica, it has romance, but there are quite a few over the top sex scenes. That being said, this series is not for the faint of heart, but anyone looking for a naughty rock star book will love it.
Dancing with the Devil  - Keri Arthur Nikki is a psychic private investigator, she is able to throw kinetic energy, and able to sense things most people cannot. Her job is to find Mr. Trevgard's daughter and bring her back. While following Monica Trevgard, Nikki gets the feeling that she is being followed and even goes into a house that she feels isn't safe. This is where her eyes are opened to the fact that there are things that go bump in the night. Zombies, vampires and crazy people, oh my!

Michael is in town to kill a bad guy that he has a history with. He is also there to protect Nikki from said bad guy. I think the main part of the book for me was the fact that I knew it would come down to this. Would Michael be able to put aside his history with the bad guy in order to save Nikki? The story was a tad bit predictable, but I did enjoy it. Since I was really intrigued by Michael's character, I was glad to see that the story was told in both Nikki and Michael's POV. Dancing with the Devil didn't go super in depth on his past so I'm hoping book two will shed more light on his character.

I've read both the Riley Jensen series as well as the Dark Angels series by Keri Arthur. So when I saw this series which I didn't really know much about on NetGalley I jumped and requested it immediately. This series is actually a re-release of her previous work. This book leans heavily towards Urban Fantasy with little to no Paranormal Romance. This could change with book two, I'm not certain if the entire series will follow suit. If you're a Keri Arthur fan, or even a Urban Fantasy fan you will probably enjoy this book.
Seduced (Lost in Oblivion, #0.5) - Cari Quinn,  Taryn Elliott Seduced is about the band Oblivion that hasn't quite made it yet. They have a few gigs but nothing major. The band members look for a drummer and manage to find a dynamic duo (Gray and Jazz) that are just what they needed. Though it starts out rocky between the band members, they quickly adapt and make compromises so the band can succeed without major issues.

Simon is a love em and leave em type of guy. He's the type of band member that I've read about oh so often, yet this time it was different. I started out thinking I wouldn't really like him, but I grew to love and look forward his portions of the book.

Nick is the oh so serious guitarist with a major case of jitters when it comes time to get on stage. He wants the band to hit the big times and kind of forces the others to do things that are best for the band. That doesn't always go over so well, and definitely causes some tension.

The others in the band are noteworthy of their own accord, but I don't want to giveaway too many details. Jazz sounds like a complicated woman (she's the drummer) that perfectly balances one of the characters. The two characters that I NEED to know more about are Deacon (the bassist) and Gray (guitarist). Lucky enough for me, Deacon's book is coming out in September!

Seduced is like going to a concert, its opening was pretty good but it just kept getting better and better as I kept reading. I will note that there are some serious sexy times (including a few menage a trois scenes) throughout the book so Seduced is not for the faint of heart. However if you want to be entranced while reading about some awesome band members, this is the book for you.
Seduced (Lost in Oblivion, #0.5) - Cari Quinn,  Taryn Elliott Seduced is about the band Oblivion that hasn't quite made it yet. They have a few gigs but nothing major. The band members look for a drummer and manage to find a dynamic duo (Gray and Jazz) that are just what they needed. Though it starts out rocky between the band members, they quickly adapt and make compromises so the band can succeed without major issues.

Simon is a love em and leave em type of guy. He's the type of band member that I've read about oh so often, yet this time it was different. I started out thinking I wouldn't really like him, but I grew to love and look forward his portions of the book.

Nick is the oh so serious guitarist with a major case of jitters when it comes time to get on stage. He wants the band to hit the big times and kind of forces the others to do things that are best for the band. That doesn't always go over so well, and definitely causes some tension.

The others in the band are noteworthy of their own accord, but I don't want to giveaway too many details. Jazz sounds like a complicated woman (she's the drummer) that perfectly balances one of the characters. The two characters that I NEED to know more about are Deacon (the bassist) and Gray (guitarist). Lucky enough for me, Deacon's book is coming out in September!

Seduced is like going to a concert, its opening was pretty good but it just kept getting better and better as I kept reading. I will note that there are some serious sexy times (including a few menage a trois scenes) throughout the book so Seduced is not for the faint of heart. However if you want to be entranced while reading about some awesome band members, this is the book for you.
Gerard's Beauty - Marie Hall I have an unhealthy obsession with Disney anything, when I heard about Marie Hall's Kingdom series I was so excited and instantly got book one because it is a freebie, long story short I loved it and needed to read more of the series. I didn't think it was possible, but Gerard's Beauty made me fall in love with the series even more.

Gerard Caron is a womanizer, and doesn't want to find love. He is forced out of Kingdom (picture angry villagers with pitchforks and torches) and told he has to find true love. His fairy godmother extraordinaire, Danika, helps him out by dropping him outside a library and tells him to find Betty Hart.

Recently recovering from a bad break up, Betty isn't looking for another relationship with a Casanova, so when she spots Gerard she wants nothing to do with him. They start off rocky, but quickly grow accustomed to each other and their relationship blossoms. I loved the twists that really makes this book (and series) unique. It's nothing like the Disney fairy tales we all know, but at the same time it includes the villains we all want to know more about. Gerard's Beauty is a novella, but one I think any lover of fairy tales will enjoy. If you haven't read this series yet, I highly recommend it!
Surrender to Sultry - Macy Beckett Review to come.
The Only Sorceress - Anya Breton Kora Walsh is a sorceress on a mission. Her task is to infiltrate Wipuk, a community full of different factions of witches. While running her new age shop, she also does tasks for her mother. It's not a typical type of task though; she gets dropped off at a location where a Witch will cause something life threatening and has to stop it before it happens. Though there aren't many of these tasks in the book, it sheds some light on what abilities Kora really had access to. While she has access to all of the types of magic, she isn't invincible which was refreshing.

From the beginning of the book to the end, Kora butts heads with the one of the high priests, Desmond Marino. He is dubbed Desmond the Dick, and I wholeheartedly agree. About halfway through The Only Sorceress I started really liking his character and got intrigued. I'm team D the Dick all the way. The Only Sorceress is a great start to a series, and any Urban Fantasy lover will love it.
The Only Sorceress - Anya Breton Kora Walsh is a sorceress on a mission. Her task is to infiltrate Wipuk, a community full of different factions of witches. While running her new age shop, she also does tasks for her mother. It's not a typical type of task though; she gets dropped off at a location where a Witch will cause something life threatening and has to stop it before it happens. Though there aren't many of these tasks in the book, it sheds some light on what abilities Kora really had access to. While she has access to all of the types of magic, she isn't invincible which was refreshing.

From the beginning of the book to the end, Kora butts heads with the one of the high priests, Desmond Marino. He is dubbed Desmond the Dick, and I wholeheartedly agree. About halfway through The Only Sorceress I started really liking his character and got intrigued. I'm team D the Dick all the way. The Only Sorceress is a great start to a series, and any Urban Fantasy lover will love it.
Try Me - Olivia Cunning Melanie joins her best friend at a concert that she has no interest in. When her BFF manages to get them backstage, she meets a normal looking guy while her friend goes off to seduce a band member. Melanie has previous issues with tattooed men so she fears them and tends to stay away. When she meets Gabe, she puts her fears aside and lets things run their course. Try Me is super short, but an awesome book. If you enjoyed Olivia Cunning's other books (Sinners on Tour series) you will love this series. This is not for the faint of heart, this book has a sex and hotties for band members.
Third Grave Dead Ahead  - Darynda Jones Review to come.
Damn Him to Hell (Saturn's Daughter) - Jamie Quaid Being one of Saturn's Daughters isn't the easiest thing in the world. Since accidentally damning her boyfriend to hell in book one (Boyfriend from Hell) Tina Clancy has learned a little bit on how to control her power(s). However that won't help her out much when The Zone, the toxic part of Baltimore, suddenly has pink gas floating around and turning people into crazy, violent people. If that isn't enough the chemical plant that is near the town is trying to cover it all up and craziness ensues.

I'll be honest - Damn Him to Hell will have you really confused if you read this series out of order. I strongly suggest you read Boyfriend from Hell first. I really enjoyed that Damn Him to Hell had a lot more back story on several of the characters that I wanted to know more about. Andre reappears and quickly became my #1 interest because his character was such a mystery. Tina seems more comfortable with her powers and isn't afraid to use them when necessary. I still want to know more about Saturn's Daughters, and I have a feeling book 3 will shed more light on that. Since not everything was wrapped up, I'll definitely be waiting on book 3 to be released so I can see what happens next. If you enjoy Urban Fantasy be sure to read this series.
Strange Ideas: Death, Destiny and Decisions - Louise West Strange Ideas is 5 separate stories compiled into one book. I'll be honest, most of the time I don't read books like this, but this was a really refreshing read that I enjoyed a lot. I think I enjoyed it so much because the short stories were well written and I couldn't guess the end of each story from the beginning. Below is a few sentences about each story.

A Flip of the Coin is about a man named Jimmy that is on his deathbed in a hospital. Death comes to visit him and gives a unique way on how Jimmy will be deemed fit for Heaven or Hell.

Stamp was slightly scary. Ben and his friend Tim head to a club and when Ben meets a pretty lady named Cassie things get interesting. She asks if they want to join her at another club, and they quickly agree. I think most people would do as Ben did, act without thinking of possible consequences. The consequence is something not expected, and left me intrigued while reading.

Rock God is about a young woman named Mia that goes to a concert with her boyfriend Darren even though she's not a fan of the band. This story was slightly predictable, but still interesting.

Superstition is about Laura, a young woman married to Adam, a slightly abusive (verbal and rarely physical) husband. Laura is very superstitious and it was quirky but endearing.

Late: a ghostly tale has a school teacher in school after hours all by herself. I'm pretty sure that would be enough to freak out most people. When she hears a strange noise and sees something that shouldn't be there she winds up running out of the building. Little did she know, she can't escape from her new acquaintance.